Thursday, August 19, 2010

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

3 reasons y you should not involve in porn

3 Reasons you might want to build your porn site.

Ever day-dream about being able to build your porn site. ? How far did you go with the idea? Most of us have thought about the idea once or twice, but comparatively few ever get serious about it. Some are held back by lack of energy or laziness and never really get started. Some were uncertain about where to start, so they just fiddled around and never got started. Some got turned off, scared off by the unknowns. Still others didn't understand the benefits, lacked good information, made a half-hearted attempt, failed and turned to something else.

You get a clearer picture of what action to take when you have enough info. So let's look at and consider 3 positive reasons why you should build your porn site..

Reason Number 1, It makes me very happy to see porn every single day, so that my work is not a problem. You make a valid point when you point out that because of porn, my life is no more dull. I agree with you. That is a good point, however too much porn might cause imbalance in your hormones..

Second, Other half or spouse might be unable to understand what you will be doing online. Plus, you happen to be setting a poor example in your kids. And what will your mates imagine you?

Third and last, porn is illegal in Malaysia and you mustn't be caught. This will mean that in case you are caught, you'll go to jail. Once again, you must not be involved in porn website!

Think about those 3 reasons. Consider them. Evaluate them. Once you do, I'm betting that you will easily see that they are more than sufficient to justify trying to build your porn site.. Do they convince you?

After considering those three reasons to build your porn site., what do you think? Shouldn't you seriously consider it too?